
Author: Kara /

A title requires inspiration. And most, if not all of any sort of inspiration has been sucked up from this tiring and stressful yet AMAZING  first week of SOPHOMORE YEAR. WHEE-OOO!

I've decided I actually like school.
Yes. Kara likes school.

Kara likes school because she has pretty flip, flipperin' flippen amazing classes and flip, flipperin' flippen amazing people in them. 

Which are...
CHOIR: I was seriously blown away in the amount of progress you can make from one year to the next. Cantori is pretty amazing, if I do say so myself.
HONORS COMM: Besides the summer homework and timed essay writing, it's pretty good. Ms. Murphy is really nice, and its the same girls minus some that are in choir. So that by itself is pretty awesome.
AP EURO: Oh damn. I think I may have made a large mistake in signing up for this...
Well, I've had a good 2 hours of homework for 2 out of 3 nights (we had a test today so we didn't get any last night. thank God) and I got a C minus on both of the two daily quizzes. C MINUS. NOT APPROPRIATE. 
Buuuut I got an A on my European map test, which kinda helps a bit :)
HEALTH: Ehh, it's okay. It's just pretty much the same stuff we learned in eighth grade all over again, but with different people. And I don't know any of those said people. Fun.
BIO X: I LOVE Bio X. My teacher's hilarious and we have some pretty hilarious people in the class too. I may just have to sit back and laugh when it's appropriate :)
So, that's pretty much a breakdown of my schedule this term. Ain't it purty?
I also get to eat lunch with my best friend every day. HELL YES. 
Except for the first Friday there was no ice cream. But no worries. That will be fixed :)

That's it. Now, since I have nothing to do this wonderful Friday night, I might just have to go spend some quality time with mi familia.

Kara ♥ 


Roadrunner said...

You have such a cute blog :)

Kara said...

WOW. i didn't see this until now! IM SO SORRY!
thank you soso much! and thanks for reading!

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