It makes me smile :)

Author: Kara /

- Eating brunch at 7 at night
- When my puppy jumps up and licks my face every time I walk in the room
- Guilty pleasures (aka Kara's Nerdy Obsession with the Dungeons of Moria game...I'm on level 15! WHEE-OOO!)
- School starting tomorrow. I'm actually kinda sick of just sitting around and doing nothing and I REALLY miss seeing my friends every day
- The movie The Notebook
- Finding a GREAT homecoming dress
- Spending time with my mom. I wish most teenagers wouldn't have such an aversion to their parents. I actually really like hanging out with my mom... she's super cool and has some really insightful things to say
- Painting my nails bright colors. Currently, neon pink
- A Rocket to the Moon. Their music's always a day brightener
- Playing Nertz and Mafia
- Finding the PERFECT shoes to go with that ever-so-important (it is important, no matter how much you try to deny it) first day of school outfit 

Well that be all. Ta-ta for now and I'll be back to talk about my first day as a Sophomore!
I'm actually super pumped!

Kara ♥ 



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