Howdy, y'all!
(This is inspired by my favorite character Stevie Rae in my new favorite book series, The House of Night series. I know what you're thinking. Just another Twilight knockoff. But it's actually really different than Twilight and in my opinion MUCH MUCH better. The first book is called Marked. I'm reading Untamed now, which is the 4th book, but I seriously suggest you check it out. AND READ THEM IN ORDER FOR YOU START-IN-THE-MIDDLE-OF-A-BOOK-SERIES-ERS! NOTHING will make sense if you start in the middle. NOTHING.)
Know why?
Okay, yes. I did save 130-ish pages of Fahrenheit 451 (which is an INSANELY boring book, no offense to the Honors Comm 10 people)and a reading packet thingy for the last SIX DAYS before school starts. You could just call me the epitome of procrastination.
So now I have six days to finish this book (well, 7 if you count the first day of school when I don't have Communications). Hooray.
I also have to learn a piece of audition music for WHS MUSICAL AUDITIONS (EEEEEEK!)in 7 days. Well, let's just see how these go. I honestly have no idea what the outcome will be on that one...
But I've heard that the music is easy, which is a plus. A minus is that I'm really really bad at auditions. Like nervous wise. So we'll see :)
So where was I those six days that I was gone?
I was at my cabin! WHEE-OOO!
And we were up there with another pretty awesome family too, and we had a pretty flip, flipperin' flippen GREAT time up there.
And I got a bit sunburned. Particularly on my nose.
(There's that word again, erm. Again I emphasize how much I LOVE British people)
Today I had a strange urge to listen to the soundtrack from CHICAGO. My mama used to listen to it in the car all the time when I was 10 or so even though I've actually never seen the show. Apparently it's about a bunch of ladies who killed their cheating husbands and ended up in jail. Fun, right?
Apparently Renee Zellweger is in the movie (I didn't have an issue with her until she made New in Town, which is EXTREMELY discriminatory towards Minnesotans. No, it's not always 10 below here and we do not sit around wearing Norwegian sweaters saying "No way! Yes way!" with our apparently weird sounding Minnesota accents and ice fish all day. And Renee Zellweger makes a really annoying pinchy-looking face on all the movie pictures), which is a HUGE negative. But i absolutely LOVE Queen Latifah, whose also in it. So I may just have to rent this baby and take a watch.
I think it might be time to read more of that nasty book. CURSES!
Kara ♥
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